Website Terms and Conditions
Seek Advice from Medical Professional
Prior to commencing any health program or making significant changes to your health regimen, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to ensure suitability for your individual circumstances. If you experience any unexpected changes in your physical condition, it is imperative to seek immediate medical attention.
The information provided on this website is not intended to serve as medical advice, nor is it intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any medical condition, including mental health conditions, or for therapeutic purposes. Before relying on the information provided herein, it is advisable to carefully evaluate its accuracy and relevance to your specific needs and seek professional medical advice where necessary.
Information Provided on Website
All information presented on this website is provided in good faith. While we endeavour to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information provided, we cannot guarantee its absolute accuracy or completeness. We may update the information on this website periodically, but it is acknowledged that the information may not always reflect the most current knowledge.
We do not make any representations or warranties regarding the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of the information provided on this website. We disclaim any liability for losses or damages arising from reliance on the information or materials contained herein.
Recommendations and Test Results on the Website
Certain sections of this website may offer recommendations and test results based on user input and data provided. These recommendations and test results are generated by automated processes and do not consider individual circumstances comprehensively. They are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional or medical advice.
Users are advised not to rely solely on these recommendations and test results and are encouraged to seek personalized advice from qualified healthcare professionals. We accept no responsibility for any reliance placed on these recommendations and test results, and users utilise them at their own risk.
Total Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by law, our total liability for any claims arising under this agreement, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, shall be limited to the total sum of all fees paid by you under this agreement up to the date the cause of action accrued.
By accessing and using this website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless us, our employees, agents, and subcontractors from any third-party claims, losses, expenses, damages, and costs (including reasonable legal fees) arising from your breach of these terms or your use of the website.
Intellectual Property
Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright in this website and its content is owned or licensed by us. All rights are reserved. Names, logos, and trademarks appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners and may not be used without express permission.
You are granted a personal, limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to access and use this website and its content for personal, non-commercial purposes only. Unauthorised use, reproduction, or distribution of any part of this website is strictly prohibited without prior written consent.
Permitted Use
This website and its functionalities may only be used in accordance with these terms. Users must not engage in any activities that violate these terms or applicable laws. User-generated content must comply with relevant laws and regulations and must not contain harmful or inappropriate material.
Internet Safety
We adhere to the Internet Industry Code of Practice and encourage safe internet use. Users are responsible for their online activities and should exercise caution when using interactive features. Any complaints or concerns regarding content should be directed to the Program Administrator at
Personal Information Collection Notice
In providing personal information on this website, you consent to its collection, use, and disclosure in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We may store personal information in servers located overseas but will take appropriate measures to protect it. Our Privacy Policy outlines your rights regarding access to and management of your personal information.
Governing Law
These terms are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. By accessing this website, you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.